Rapid emergency aid in Myanmar

Powered by the SONNE-Emergency Relief Fund

Your donation enables us to provide fast, effective and hassle-free aid! Together with SONNE Ambassador Jochen Meissner, our local team in Myanmar ensures the efficient distribution of essential aid packages to people in need. We also organise medical treatment for slum communities, orphanages and IDP camps through our Mobile Health Camp, reaching many who have no access to proper healthcare.

Help us continue to provide care!

Donate to the SONNE-Emergency Relief Fund today and show the people of Myanmar that they are not forgotten in these dark hours. Your contribution will be a symbol of solidarity, bringing hope to those who need it most. Jochen and our team in Myanmar will personally ensure that your donation reaches those in need as quickly as possible.

Aid and solidarity for Myanmar

The situation in Myanmar remains dire: political instability, a struggling healthcare system and skyrocketing food prices. We remain in constant contact with our dedicated SONNE staff on the ground, adapting our ongoing social projects to meet the evolving needs of the people we serve.

The health care system in Myanmar is inadequate and the poorest sections of the population have no or insufficient access to medical care. In order to be able to react quickly to emergencies, we have created the SONNE emergency fund together with Jochen Meissner, for which we are now collecting donations.

Your donation is vital to our mission!

At the moment, our main focus is on helping slum dwellers in Yangon by distributing food parcels. In these difficult times, providing access to basic necessities such as food and free medical care is one of the most immediate ways we can help.

Thanks to the SONNE-emergency relief fund, we were recently able to provide rapid assistance during the extreme flooding. In addition to providing emergency aid, we were also able to rebuild some of the huts destroyed by the storm and thus give the affected families a roof over their heads again.

How will your donation be used?

Thousands of children in Myanmar die every year from treatable diseases because their families cannot afford medical care, costly treatment or hospitalisation. With the current food crisis, many more children are at risk of malnutrition.

One of our top priorities is to provide food aid to Yangon slum communities, giving them the vital support they need. In medical emergencies, we also provide funding for surgery and long-term treatment without unnecessary delays. We need your support to continue to provide rapid and unbureaucratic assistance.

Secure online donation form

You can switch our online donation form between English and German by clicking EN or DE respectively.


Transfer your donation securely to our donation account

For a bank transfer please use our bank details

 PSK IBAN: AT79 6000 0005 1006 1977 BIC: BAWAATWW

(purpose: Myanmar Support)

Note: Donations will only be listed by name in the donation barometer if explicitly requested by the donor. Offline donations for this campaign are not automatically entered. If you wish, our donations officer Sabine Braun can make this entry for you.

If you have any further questions, please contact our donations officer Sabine Braun directly, braun@sonne-international.org or by phone +43 699 196 008 30.

Since 2006 we have been awarded the Donation Seal of Approval. In Austria, your donations to SONNE-International are tax deductible. If you provide us with your full name as well as your date of birth, we will forward your annual donation amount to the tax office. The donations will automatically be taken into account in your income tax statement.